
Gofilepy - Unofficial Python wrapper for Gofile API

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A true wrapper for Gofile's REST API.


Install Gofilepy with pip

  pip install gofilepy-api


Usage/Examples (Free Users)

from gofilepy import GofileClient

client = GofileClient()

#Free users can this function
file = client.upload(file=open("./test.txt", "rb"))

print(file.page_link) #View and download file at this link

Usage/Examples (Premium Users)

from gofilepy import GofileClient
from gofilepy.options import FileOption, FolderOption
from gofilepy.exceptions import GofileAPIAuthenticationError

client = GofileClient(token="") #Get token from gofile.io.


root_folder_id = client.account.root_id
root = client.get(root_folder_id)

child = client.create_folder("NEW_FOLDER", parent_id=root.content_id)
child.set_option(FolderOption.DESCRIPTION, "New folder created with gofilepy") #More options available https://gofile.io/api
child.set_option(FolderOption.TAGS, ["example", "gofilepy"])

# Registering changes to local variable
child.content_id in root.children_ids # = false because it hasn't been updated
root.reload() #Gets any new changes/updates to the folder
child.content_id in root.children_ids # = true after root folder has been reloaded

# Copying content (files & folders)
child.copy_to(child.parent_id) #Duplicates folder in same directory
root.reload() #Now root.children_ids has another id

#uploading & downloading files
f = child.upload("./test.txt") #uploads file to newly created "child" folder

f.set_option(FileOption.HAS_DIRECT_LINK, True) #Must be set to true to download using gofilepy
print(f.direct_link) #"None"
f.reload() #now f.direct_link is updated

path = f.download("./") #downloads file to local dir
print(path) #function returns full path of downloaded file

#Deleting content
child.delete() #Deletes folder
f.delete() #Deletes file
 2.. include:: /home/m0bb1n/Programs/gofilepy_dev/gofilepy/README.md
 4__pdoc__ = {
 5    "gofile": False
 8__all__ = [
 9    "GofileClient",
10    "GofileFolder",
11    "GofileFile",
12    "GofileContent",
13    "GofileAccount",
14    "options",
15    "exceptions"
18from .gofile import GofileClient, GofileFolder, GofileFile, GofileContent, GofileAccount 
class GofileClient:
 13class GofileClient (object):
 14    server = None
 15    _BASE_DOMAIN = 'gofile.io'
 16    _API_SUBDOMAIN = 'api'
 17    _BASE_API_URL = 'https://'+_API_SUBDOMAIN+'.'+_BASE_DOMAIN
 19    _API_ROUTE_GET_SERVER_URL = _BASE_API_URL + '/getServer'
 20    _API_ROUTE_GET_ACCOUNT_URL = _BASE_API_URL + "/getAccountDetails"
 21    _API_ROUTE_GET_CONTENT_URL = _BASE_API_URL + "/getContent"
 23    _API_ROUTE_DELETE_CONTENT_URL = _BASE_API_URL + "/deleteContent"
 24    _API_ROUTE_COPY_CONTENT_URL = _BASE_API_URL + "/copyContent"
 25    _API_ROUTE_CREATE_FOLDER_URL = _BASE_API_URL + "/createFolder"
 26    _API_ROUTE_SET_OPTION_URL = _BASE_API_URL +  "/setOption"
 28    _API_ROUTE_DOWNLOAD_PATH = "download"
 29    _API_ROUTE_UPLOAD_CONTENT_PATH = "uploadFile"
 31    _API_STORE_FORMAT = "https://{}.{}/{}"
 33    def __init__(self, token: str = None, get_account: bool = True, verbose: bool = False):
 34        self.token = token
 35        self.server = GofileClient.get_best_server()
 36        self.verbose = verbose
 38        if get_account and token:
 39            self.get_account()
 41    @staticmethod
 42    def handle_response(resp: requests.Response):
 43        code = resp.status_code
 44        data = resp.json()
 45        got = None
 46        api_status = ''
 48        if data:
 49            api_status = data.get('status')
 50            got = data.get('data')
 53        if api_status != 'ok' or code != 200:
 54            raise GofileAPIException.__init_from_resp__(resp)
 55        return got
 57    def get_best_upload_url(self):
 58        return self._API_STORE_FORMAT.format(self.server, self._BASE_DOMAIN, self._API_ROUTE_UPLOAD_CONTENT_PATH)
 61    @staticmethod
 62    def get_best_server(throw_if_not_200=False):
 63        resp = requests.get(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_GET_SERVER_URL)
 64        return GofileClient.handle_response(resp)['server']
 67    def _download_file_from_direct_link(self, direct_link, out_dir="./"):
 68        fn = direct_link.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
 69        resp = requests.get(direct_link, stream=True, allow_redirects=None)
 70        if resp.status_code != 200:
 71            raise GofileAPIException("Could not download file", code=resp.status_code)
 73        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, fn)
 74        with open(out_path, 'wb') as f:
 75            for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
 76                if chunk:
 77                    f.write(chunk)
 78        return out_path
 81    def _get_token(self, token):
 82        if not token:
 83            token = self.token
 84            if not self.token:
 85                token = ""
 86        return token
 88    def upload(self, path: str=None, file: BufferedReader=None, parent_id: str=None, token: str=None) -> GofileFile:
 89        if not file and not path:
 90            raise ValueError("GofileClient.upload() requires a BufferedReader or file path")
 92        upload_url = self.get_best_upload_url()
 93        token = self._get_token(token)
 95        data = {}
 96        if parent_id:
 97            data["folderId"] = parent_id
 98        if token:
 99            data["token"] = token
101        files = {}
102        if file:
103            files["file"] = file
104        elif path:
105            files["file"] = open(path, "rb")
107        resp = requests.post(upload_url, files=files, data=data)
108        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
110        #Needed because json returned from API has different key values at this endpoint
111        got["id"] = got.get("fileId", None)
112        got["name"] = got.get("fileName", None)
114        return  GofileFile._load_from_dict(got, client=self)
117    def _get_content_raw_resp(self, content_id: str, token: str = None):
118        token = self._get_token(token)
119        req_url = self._API_ROUTE_GET_CONTENT_URL + "?contentId="+content_id
121        if token:
122            req_url += "&token="+token
124        resp = requests.get(req_url)
125        data = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
126        return resp, data
129    def get(self, content_id: str, token: str = None):
130        resp,data = self._get_content_raw_resp(content_id, token=token)
131        return GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self)
133    def get_folder(self, *args, **kwargs):
134        """Retrieves folder using content_id"""
135        return self.get(*args, **kwargs)
137    def delete(self, *content_ids: str, token: str = None):
138        """Calls Gofile API to delete provided content_ids."""
139        token = self._get_token(token)
140        data = {"contentsId": ",".join(content_ids), "token": token}
141        resp = requests.delete(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_DELETE_CONTENT_URL, data=data)
142        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
145    def _get_account_raw_resp(self, token: str = None):
146        token = self._get_token(token)
147        url = GofileClient._API_ROUTE_GET_ACCOUNT_URL + "?token=" + token
148        resp = requests.get(url)
149        data = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
150        return resp, data
153    def get_account(self, token: str = None) -> GofileAccount:
154        """If token is provided returns specified account, otherwise token defaults to self.token.
155          \If token is default self.account is updated"""
156        token = self._get_token(token)
157        resp, data = self._get_account_raw_resp(token=token)
158        account = GofileAccount._load_from_dict(data)
159        account._client = self
160        account._raw = data
162        if account.token == self.token:
163            self.account = account #update client's copy of account
165        return account
167    def set_content_option(self, content_id: str, option: str, value, token: str = None):
168        """Sets content option like 'description', 'public', etc (more at gofile.io/api).  Note that folder and file content have different options"""
169        token = self._get_token(token)
171        value = ContentOption._process_option_value(option, value) #checks file types and formats for api
173        data = {
174            "contentId": content_id,
175            "token": token,
176            "option": option,
177            "value": value
178        }
180        resp = requests.put(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_SET_OPTION_URL, data=data)
181        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
184    def copy_content(self, *content_ids: str, parent_id: str = None, token: str = None):
185        """Copy provided content_ids to destination folder's content_id.  Currently returns None because api doesn't return any information.  Will have to query parent folder"""
186        if not parent_id:
187            raise ValueError("Must pass a parent folder id: parent_id=None")
189        token = self._get_token(token)
190        data = {
191            "contentsId": ",".join(content_ids),
192            "folderIdDest": parent_id,
193            "token": token
194        }
196        resp = requests.put(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_COPY_CONTENT_URL, data=data)
197        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
199        """
200        As of right now /copyContent does not return information about newly created content
201        For this reason copy_content will just return None
203        return GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self)
204        """
206    def create_folder(self, name: str, parent_id: str, token: str = None):
207        """Creates folder in specified parent folder's content_id"""
208        token = self._get_token(token)
210        data = {
211            "parentFolderId": parent_id,
212            "folderName": name
213        }
215        data["token"] = token
217        resp = requests.put(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_CREATE_FOLDER_URL, data=data)
218        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
220        return GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self) 
GofileClient(token: str = None, get_account: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)
33    def __init__(self, token: str = None, get_account: bool = True, verbose: bool = False):
34        self.token = token
35        self.server = GofileClient.get_best_server()
36        self.verbose = verbose
38        if get_account and token:
39            self.get_account()
server = None
def handle_response(resp: requests.models.Response):
41    @staticmethod
42    def handle_response(resp: requests.Response):
43        code = resp.status_code
44        data = resp.json()
45        got = None
46        api_status = ''
48        if data:
49            api_status = data.get('status')
50            got = data.get('data')
53        if api_status != 'ok' or code != 200:
54            raise GofileAPIException.__init_from_resp__(resp)
55        return got
def get_best_upload_url(self):
57    def get_best_upload_url(self):
58        return self._API_STORE_FORMAT.format(self.server, self._BASE_DOMAIN, self._API_ROUTE_UPLOAD_CONTENT_PATH)
def get_best_server(throw_if_not_200=False):
61    @staticmethod
62    def get_best_server(throw_if_not_200=False):
63        resp = requests.get(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_GET_SERVER_URL)
64        return GofileClient.handle_response(resp)['server']
def upload( self, path: str = None, file: _io.BufferedReader = None, parent_id: str = None, token: str = None) -> None:
 88    def upload(self, path: str=None, file: BufferedReader=None, parent_id: str=None, token: str=None) -> GofileFile:
 89        if not file and not path:
 90            raise ValueError("GofileClient.upload() requires a BufferedReader or file path")
 92        upload_url = self.get_best_upload_url()
 93        token = self._get_token(token)
 95        data = {}
 96        if parent_id:
 97            data["folderId"] = parent_id
 98        if token:
 99            data["token"] = token
101        files = {}
102        if file:
103            files["file"] = file
104        elif path:
105            files["file"] = open(path, "rb")
107        resp = requests.post(upload_url, files=files, data=data)
108        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
110        #Needed because json returned from API has different key values at this endpoint
111        got["id"] = got.get("fileId", None)
112        got["name"] = got.get("fileName", None)
114        return  GofileFile._load_from_dict(got, client=self)
def get(self, content_id: str, token: str = None):
129    def get(self, content_id: str, token: str = None):
130        resp,data = self._get_content_raw_resp(content_id, token=token)
131        return GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self)
def get_folder(self, *args, **kwargs):
133    def get_folder(self, *args, **kwargs):
134        """Retrieves folder using content_id"""
135        return self.get(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieves folder using content_id

def delete(self, *content_ids: str, token: str = None):
137    def delete(self, *content_ids: str, token: str = None):
138        """Calls Gofile API to delete provided content_ids."""
139        token = self._get_token(token)
140        data = {"contentsId": ",".join(content_ids), "token": token}
141        resp = requests.delete(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_DELETE_CONTENT_URL, data=data)
142        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)

Calls Gofile API to delete provided content_ids.

def get_account(self, token: str = None) -> None:
153    def get_account(self, token: str = None) -> GofileAccount:
154        """If token is provided returns specified account, otherwise token defaults to self.token.
155          \If token is default self.account is updated"""
156        token = self._get_token(token)
157        resp, data = self._get_account_raw_resp(token=token)
158        account = GofileAccount._load_from_dict(data)
159        account._client = self
160        account._raw = data
162        if account.token == self.token:
163            self.account = account #update client's copy of account
165        return account

If token is provided returns specified account, otherwise token defaults to self.token. \If token is default self.account is updated

def set_content_option(self, content_id: str, option: str, value, token: str = None):
167    def set_content_option(self, content_id: str, option: str, value, token: str = None):
168        """Sets content option like 'description', 'public', etc (more at gofile.io/api).  Note that folder and file content have different options"""
169        token = self._get_token(token)
171        value = ContentOption._process_option_value(option, value) #checks file types and formats for api
173        data = {
174            "contentId": content_id,
175            "token": token,
176            "option": option,
177            "value": value
178        }
180        resp = requests.put(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_SET_OPTION_URL, data=data)
181        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)

Sets content option like 'description', 'public', etc (more at gofile.io/api). Note that folder and file content have different options

def copy_content(self, *content_ids: str, parent_id: str = None, token: str = None):
184    def copy_content(self, *content_ids: str, parent_id: str = None, token: str = None):
185        """Copy provided content_ids to destination folder's content_id.  Currently returns None because api doesn't return any information.  Will have to query parent folder"""
186        if not parent_id:
187            raise ValueError("Must pass a parent folder id: parent_id=None")
189        token = self._get_token(token)
190        data = {
191            "contentsId": ",".join(content_ids),
192            "folderIdDest": parent_id,
193            "token": token
194        }
196        resp = requests.put(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_COPY_CONTENT_URL, data=data)
197        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
199        """
200        As of right now /copyContent does not return information about newly created content
201        For this reason copy_content will just return None
203        return GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self)
204        """

Copy provided content_ids to destination folder's content_id. Currently returns None because api doesn't return any information. Will have to query parent folder

def create_folder(self, name: str, parent_id: str, token: str = None):
206    def create_folder(self, name: str, parent_id: str, token: str = None):
207        """Creates folder in specified parent folder's content_id"""
208        token = self._get_token(token)
210        data = {
211            "parentFolderId": parent_id,
212            "folderName": name
213        }
215        data["token"] = token
217        resp = requests.put(GofileClient._API_ROUTE_CREATE_FOLDER_URL, data=data)
218        got = GofileClient.handle_response(resp)
220        return GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self) 

Creates folder in specified parent folder's content_id

class GofileFolder(gofilepy.GofileContent):
463class GofileFolder (GofileContent):
464    children: list[GofileContent]
465    """Children of folder, either GofileFolder or GofileFile type"""
466    children_ids: list[str]
467    """List of childrens' content ids"""
468    time_created: int
469    """Time folder was created"""
470    total_size: int
471    """Total size of folders' contents (in bytes)"""
472    is_public: bool
473    """Is folder publicly accessible"""
474    is_owner: bool
475    """If caller is folder owner"""
476    is_root: bool
477    """If folder is root folder"""
478    has_password: bool
479    """If folder is password protected"""
480    description: str
481    """A user set description using set_option"""
482    tags: list
483    """User set tags using set_option"""
484    code: str
485    """Folder shortcode to access from the browser"""
487    def __init__(self, name: str, content_id: str, parent_id: str, client: GofileClient = None):
488        super().__init__(content_id, parent_id, _type="folder", client=client)
489        self.name = name
490        self.children = []
491        self.children_ids = []
492        self.total_size = None
493        self.total_download_cnt = None
494        self.time_created = None
495        self.tags = []
496        self.is_public = None
497        self.is_owner = None
498        self.is_root = None
499        self.description = None
500        self.has_password = None
501        self.code = None
503    def __init_children_from_contents__(self, data: dict) -> None:
504        children = []
506        self.children_ids = data.get("childs")
507        contents = data.get("contents", {})
509        if contents.keys():
510            for content in contents.values():
511                child = GofileContent.__init_from_resp__({"data": content}, client=self._client)
512                children.append(child)
514        elif self.children_ids:
515            for child_id in self.children_ids:
516                child = GofileContent(child_id, parent_id=data["id"], client=self._client)
517                children.append(child)
518        return children
521    def _override_from_dict(self, data: dict) -> None:
522        self.content_id = data.get("id", self.content_id)
523        self.parent_id = data.get("parentFolder", self.parent_id)
524        self.name = data.get("name", self.name)
525        self.time_created = data.get("createTime", self.time_created)
526        self.is_public  = data.get("public", self.is_public)
527        self.is_owner = data.get("isOwner", self.is_owner)
528        self.is_root = data.get("isRoot", False)
529        self.has_password = data.get("password", self.has_password)
530        self.description = data.get("description", self.description)
531        self.code = data.get("code", self.code)
532        self.total_size = data.get("totalSize", self.total_size)
533        self.total_download_cnt = data.get("totalDownloadCount", self.total_download_cnt)
534        self.children_ids = data.get("childs")
535        self.children = self.__init_children_from_contents__(data)
537        self.tags = data.get("tags", "").split(",")
538        if self.tags[0] == "":
539            self.tags = []
543        self._raw = data
546    @staticmethod
547    def _load_from_dict(data: dict, client: GofileClient = None) -> GofileFolder:
548        parent_id = data.get("parentFolder", None)
549        folder = GofileFolder(data["name"], data["id"], parent_id, client=client)
550        folder._override_from_dict(data)
551        folder._raw = data
553        return folder
555    def upload(self, path: str = None, file: BufferedReader = None) -> GofileFile:
556        return self._client.upload(file=file, path=path, parent_id=self.content_id)
GofileFolder( name: str, content_id: str, parent_id: str, client: GofileClient = None)
487    def __init__(self, name: str, content_id: str, parent_id: str, client: GofileClient = None):
488        super().__init__(content_id, parent_id, _type="folder", client=client)
489        self.name = name
490        self.children = []
491        self.children_ids = []
492        self.total_size = None
493        self.total_download_cnt = None
494        self.time_created = None
495        self.tags = []
496        self.is_public = None
497        self.is_owner = None
498        self.is_root = None
499        self.description = None
500        self.has_password = None
501        self.code = None
children: list[GofileContent]

Children of folder, either GofileFolder or GofileFile type

children_ids: list[str]

List of childrens' content ids

time_created: int

Time folder was created

total_size: int

Total size of folders' contents (in bytes)

is_public: bool

Is folder publicly accessible

is_owner: bool

If caller is folder owner

is_root: bool

If folder is root folder

has_password: bool

If folder is password protected

description: str

A user set description using set_option

tags: list

User set tags using set_option

code: str

Folder shortcode to access from the browser


Name of content

def upload( self, path: str = None, file: _io.BufferedReader = None) -> GofileFile:
555    def upload(self, path: str = None, file: BufferedReader = None) -> GofileFile:
556        return self._client.upload(file=file, path=path, parent_id=self.content_id)
class GofileFile(gofilepy.GofileContent):
394class GofileFile (GofileContent):
395    time_created: int
396    """Time that file was uploaded"""
397    size: int
398    """Size of file (in bytes)"""
399    download_cnt: int
400    """Amount of times the file has been downloaded"""
401    mimetype: str
402    """Mimetype of file"""
403    server: str
404    """subdomain server from where file will be downloaded (Premium)"""
405    direct_link: str
406    """Direct link to download file (Premium)"""
407    page_link: str
408    """Page link to view and get download url for file"""
409    md5: str
410    """Hash function of file for verification"""
412    def __init__(self, content_id: str, parent_id: str, client: GofileClient = None):
413        super().__init__(content_id, parent_id, _type="file", client=client)
414        self.name = None 
415        self.time_created = None
416        self.size = None
417        self.download_cnt = None
418        self.mimetype = None
419        self.server = None
420        self.direct_link = None
421        self.page_link = None
422        self.md5 = None
424    def _override_from_dict(self, data: dict) -> None:
425        self.content_id = data.get("id", self.content_id)
426        self.parent_id = data.get("parentFolder", self.parent_id)
427        self.name = data.get("name", self.name)
428        self.time_created = data.get("createTime", self.time_created)
429        self.size  = data.get("size", self.size)
430        self.download_cnt = data.get("downloadCount", self.download_cnt)
431        self.mimetype = data.get("mimetype", self.mimetype)
432        self.md5 = data.get("md5", self.md5)
433        self.server = data.get("serverChoosen", None)
434        link = data.get("link")
435        if link:
436            self.direct_link = self._get_direct_link_from_link(link)
437        self.page_link = data.get("downloadPage", self.page_link) 
439        self._raw = data
441    @staticmethod
442    def _get_direct_link_from_link (link):
443        idx = link.find("download/") + len("download/")-1
444        return link[:idx] + "/direct/" + link[idx+1:]
446    @staticmethod
447    def _load_from_dict(data: dict, client: GofileClient = None):
448        file = GofileFile(data["id"], data["parentFolder"], client=client)
449        file._override_from_dict(data)
450        file._raw = data
451        return file
453    def download(self, out_dir: str = "./") -> str:
454        """Downloads file to passed dir (default is working directory). Note: The option directLink
455          \needs to be True (Premium)"""
457        if self.direct_link:
458            return self._client._download_file_from_direct_link(self.direct_link, out_dir=out_dir)
460        else:
461            raise Exception("Direct link needed - set option directLink=True (only for premium users)") 
GofileFile( content_id: str, parent_id: str, client: GofileClient = None)
412    def __init__(self, content_id: str, parent_id: str, client: GofileClient = None):
413        super().__init__(content_id, parent_id, _type="file", client=client)
414        self.name = None 
415        self.time_created = None
416        self.size = None
417        self.download_cnt = None
418        self.mimetype = None
419        self.server = None
420        self.direct_link = None
421        self.page_link = None
422        self.md5 = None
time_created: int

Time that file was uploaded

size: int

Size of file (in bytes)

download_cnt: int

Amount of times the file has been downloaded

mimetype: str

Mimetype of file

server: str

subdomain server from where file will be downloaded (Premium)

md5: str

Hash function of file for verification


Name of content

def download(self, out_dir: str = './') -> str:
453    def download(self, out_dir: str = "./") -> str:
454        """Downloads file to passed dir (default is working directory). Note: The option directLink
455          \needs to be True (Premium)"""
457        if self.direct_link:
458            return self._client._download_file_from_direct_link(self.direct_link, out_dir=out_dir)
460        else:
461            raise Exception("Direct link needed - set option directLink=True (only for premium users)") 

Downloads file to passed dir (default is working directory). Note: The option directLink

eeds to be True (Premium)

class GofileContent:
274class GofileContent (object):
275    name: str
276    """Name of content"""
277    content_id: str
278    """Gofile API's unique content id"""
279    parent_id: str
280    """Content_id of parent folder"""
281    _type: str
282    """GofileContent subtypes, either 'file', 'folder' or 'unknown'."""
283    is_file_type: bool
284    """If GofileContent is a file"""
285    is_folder_type: bool
286    """If GofileContent is a folder"""
287    is_unknown_type: bool
288    """If GofileContent is unknown (call reload() to update)"""
289    is_deleted: bool
290    """If content is deleted (will only register if called by it's own method delete())"""
292    def __init__(self, content_id: str, parent_id: str, _type: str = None, client: GofileClient = None):
293        self.content_id = content_id
294        self.parent_id = parent_id
295        self._type = _type
296        self._client = client
297        self._raw = {}
299        self.is_file_type = _type == "file"
300        self.is_folder_type = _type == "folder"
301        self.is_unknown_type = _type == None
302        self.name = None
303        self.time_created = None
304        self.is_deleted = False
306    def __repr__ (self) -> str:
307        _type = self._type
308        if not _type:
309            _type = "Unknown"
311        return "<Gofile {}: content_id={} name={}>".format(_type.upper(), self.content_id, self.name)
313    def delete (self) -> None:
314        """Deletes itself.  When called successfully is_deleted = True"""
315        guest_token = self._raw.get("guestToken")
316        self._client.delete(self.content_id, token=guest_token)
317        self.is_deleted = True
319    def copy_to (self, dest_id: str) -> None:
320        """Copies itself to destination folder's content_id"""
321        self._client.copy_content(self.content_id, parent_id=dest_id)
323    def copy (self, dest_id: str) -> None:
324        self.copy_to(dest_id)
326    def set_option(self, option: str, value, reload: bool = True) -> None:
327        """Sets content option.  Full option list available at m0bb1n.github.io/gofilepy/gofilepy/options.html"""
328        self._client.set_content_option(self.content_id, option, value)
329        if reload:
330            self.reload() #reload to get up to date information
332    def reload (self):
333        """Reloads any new updates to content.  If is_unknown_type must call reload() before fully usable"""
334        if self.is_folder_type or (self.is_unknown_type and self.parent_id == None):
335            resp, data = self._client._get_content_raw_resp(self.content_id)
337            if self.is_unknown_type:
338                content = GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self._client)
340            elif self.is_folder_type:
341                self._override_from_dict(data)
342                return self
344        elif (self.is_unknown_type or self.is_file_type) and self.parent_id:
345            resp, data = self._client._get_content_raw_resp(self.parent_id)
346            content_data = data["contents"].get(self.content_id, None)
348            if content_data:
349                if self.is_unknown_type:
350                    #re-init instance as sub class (GofileFile or GofileFolder) of GofileContent
351                    match content_data['type']:
352                        case "folder":
353                            self.__class__ = GofileFolder
354                            self.__init__(
355                                content_data["name"], content_data["id"],
356                                content_data["parentFolder"], client=self._client
357                            )
359                        case "file":
360                            self.__class__ = GofileFile
361                            self.__init__(
362                                content_data["id"], content_data["parentFolder"],
363                                client=self._client
364                            )
366                        case _:
367                            raise TypeError("Type '{}' is not a valid option".format(content_data['type']))
369                self._override_from_dict(content_data)
371            return self 
373        else:
374            raise NotImplemented
376    @staticmethod
377    def __init_from_resp__ (resp: requests.Response, _type: str = None, client: GofileClient = None):
378        if type(resp) == requests.models.Response:
379            resp = resp.json()
381        got = resp["data"] 
382        _type = got.get("type", _type)
383        content = None
385        if _type == "file":
386            content = GofileFile._load_from_dict(got, client=client)
387        elif _type == "folder":
388            content = GofileFolder._load_from_dict(got, client=client)
389        else:
390            raise NotImplemented
392        return content
GofileContent( content_id: str, parent_id: str, _type: str = None, client: GofileClient = None)
292    def __init__(self, content_id: str, parent_id: str, _type: str = None, client: GofileClient = None):
293        self.content_id = content_id
294        self.parent_id = parent_id
295        self._type = _type
296        self._client = client
297        self._raw = {}
299        self.is_file_type = _type == "file"
300        self.is_folder_type = _type == "folder"
301        self.is_unknown_type = _type == None
302        self.name = None
303        self.time_created = None
304        self.is_deleted = False
name: str

Name of content

content_id: str

Gofile API's unique content id

parent_id: str

Content_id of parent folder

is_file_type: bool

If GofileContent is a file

is_folder_type: bool

If GofileContent is a folder

is_unknown_type: bool

If GofileContent is unknown (call reload() to update)

is_deleted: bool

If content is deleted (will only register if called by it's own method delete())

def delete(self) -> None:
313    def delete (self) -> None:
314        """Deletes itself.  When called successfully is_deleted = True"""
315        guest_token = self._raw.get("guestToken")
316        self._client.delete(self.content_id, token=guest_token)
317        self.is_deleted = True

Deletes itself. When called successfully is_deleted = True

def copy_to(self, dest_id: str) -> None:
319    def copy_to (self, dest_id: str) -> None:
320        """Copies itself to destination folder's content_id"""
321        self._client.copy_content(self.content_id, parent_id=dest_id)

Copies itself to destination folder's content_id

def copy(self, dest_id: str) -> None:
323    def copy (self, dest_id: str) -> None:
324        self.copy_to(dest_id)
def set_option(self, option: str, value, reload: bool = True) -> None:
326    def set_option(self, option: str, value, reload: bool = True) -> None:
327        """Sets content option.  Full option list available at m0bb1n.github.io/gofilepy/gofilepy/options.html"""
328        self._client.set_content_option(self.content_id, option, value)
329        if reload:
330            self.reload() #reload to get up to date information

Sets content option. Full option list available at m0bb1n.github.io/gofilepy/gofilepy/options.html

def reload(self):
332    def reload (self):
333        """Reloads any new updates to content.  If is_unknown_type must call reload() before fully usable"""
334        if self.is_folder_type or (self.is_unknown_type and self.parent_id == None):
335            resp, data = self._client._get_content_raw_resp(self.content_id)
337            if self.is_unknown_type:
338                content = GofileContent.__init_from_resp__(resp, client=self._client)
340            elif self.is_folder_type:
341                self._override_from_dict(data)
342                return self
344        elif (self.is_unknown_type or self.is_file_type) and self.parent_id:
345            resp, data = self._client._get_content_raw_resp(self.parent_id)
346            content_data = data["contents"].get(self.content_id, None)
348            if content_data:
349                if self.is_unknown_type:
350                    #re-init instance as sub class (GofileFile or GofileFolder) of GofileContent
351                    match content_data['type']:
352                        case "folder":
353                            self.__class__ = GofileFolder
354                            self.__init__(
355                                content_data["name"], content_data["id"],
356                                content_data["parentFolder"], client=self._client
357                            )
359                        case "file":
360                            self.__class__ = GofileFile
361                            self.__init__(
362                                content_data["id"], content_data["parentFolder"],
363                                client=self._client
364                            )
366                        case _:
367                            raise TypeError("Type '{}' is not a valid option".format(content_data['type']))
369                self._override_from_dict(content_data)
371            return self 
373        else:
374            raise NotImplemented

Reloads any new updates to content. If is_unknown_type must call reload() before fully usable

class GofileAccount:
222class GofileAccount (object):
223    token: str
224    """Token of account, found on Gofile.io"""
225    email: str
226    """Email address of account"""
227    tier: str
228    """Tier of GofileAccount either Standard or Premium"""
229    root_id: str
230    """Root folder's content_id of Gofile account"""
231    folder_cnt: int
232    """Number of children folders"""
233    file_cnt: int
234    """Number of children files"""
235    total_size: int
236    """Total size of Accounts' contents"""
237    total_download_cnt: int
238    """Total download count of Accounts' contents"""
240    def __init__(self, token: str = None):
241        self.token = token
242        self.email = None
243        self.tier = None
244        self.root_id = None
245        self.folder_cnt = None
246        self.file_cnt = None
247        self.total_size = None
248        self.total_download_cnt = None
249        self._raw = {}
251    def _override_from_dict(self, data: dict) -> None:
252        self.token = data.get("token", self.token)
253        self.email = data.get("email", self.email)
254        self.tier = data.get("tier", self.tier)
255        self.root_id = data.get("rootFolder", self.root_id)
256        self.folder_cnt = data.get("foldersCount", self.folder_cnt)
257        self.file_cnt = data.get("filesCount", self.file_cnt)
258        self.total_size = data.get("totalSize", self.total_size)
259        self.total_download_cnt = data.get("totalDownloadCount", self.total_download_cnt)
261        self._raw = data
263    @staticmethod
264    def _load_from_dict(data: dict):
265        account = GofileAccount(data["token"])
266        account._override_from_dict(data)
267        return account
269    def reload(self):
270        resp, data = self._client._get_account_raw_resp(token=self.token)
271        self._override_from_dict(data)
272        self._raw = data
GofileAccount(token: str = None)
240    def __init__(self, token: str = None):
241        self.token = token
242        self.email = None
243        self.tier = None
244        self.root_id = None
245        self.folder_cnt = None
246        self.file_cnt = None
247        self.total_size = None
248        self.total_download_cnt = None
249        self._raw = {}
token: str

Token of account, found on Gofile.io

email: str

Email address of account

tier: str

Tier of GofileAccount either Standard or Premium

root_id: str

Root folder's content_id of Gofile account

folder_cnt: int

Number of children folders

file_cnt: int

Number of children files

total_size: int

Total size of Accounts' contents

total_download_cnt: int

Total download count of Accounts' contents

def reload(self):
269    def reload(self):
270        resp, data = self._client._get_account_raw_resp(token=self.token)
271        self._override_from_dict(data)
272        self._raw = data